
Rapidre Invest Ltd. supports and finances mobility companies and biotech start ups that develop technology for handicapped and aging population. Our focus is on Europe and USA.

Our investment policy is to find, evaluate, invest and build interesting initiatives along with founders. We are especially interested in startu-ps with promising solutions but yet to small to attract large investment institutions.

Typical scale of investment range between 0,5-1 million Euro.


Social Responsibility

Limitations of mobility due to disability or simply age are one of the humans most popular problem. Demographic trends and raising amount of civilization diseases gives humanity no choice but challenging these problems with inventions, innovations of our brain. There is a strong believe human passion in combination of proper founding can change the world.

Return on Investment

Only sustainable business model can create a long-term platform for further development. By financing an initiative that will bring fruits in the future we can grow and by multiplying resources support more projects.


It is clear that greenfield project, a start-up require financing prior to be profitable.

Our expectation is up to 3 years development before project brings positive bottom line.

Human side is a key decision factor for us. We wish to work only with passionate people with proven professional knowledge in the area of project we are about to invest. We may work with team or individual with 100% focus on project.


Structure of our organisation:

Structure of our organisation

Our team consists of industry experienced insiders.

Finn Jansen
Finn Jansen
Thijs Visser
Thijs Visser
Lars van Dijk
Lars van Dijk


European leader in mobility and non-invasive orthopaedic treatment sector. Holding with strong presence in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Czechia and Denmark. Medort develop and distribute solutions under such brands as Meyra, Rehab, Qmed, Viteacare, Memo.


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Rapidre Invest Ltd. 

Vault 14, Level 2, Valletta Waterfront Floriana, FRN 1914, Malta

+31 (0) 203080880

+31 (0) 203080890
